Thursday, February 01, 2007

A new month begins

ATCs have certainly taken over my creative life for the past few weeks. I’ve almost finished my samples for one of the two workshops I’m doing in March, and as usual I have way too much stuff. But better to be over-prepared than not, I always say. (In fact, it’s probably my mantra.)
Today I received a cheque for the six digital collages I sold in the Made by Hand show at the Art Gallery of Peel. The irony of made of being in a “made by hand” show is not lost on me, but hey—they asked! I probably shouldn’t admit this, but what I liked most about selling my collages in this venue was that very little effort was involved on my part—other than doing the creative work, which is what I prefer doing anyway. (I’m not good at promoting myself and I need to be more proactive in this area).
Another good thing about today was receiving the latest issue of Art and Life. I haven’t read it yet (even though I have an article on Photoshop in this issue) because I’m treating it as my before-bed reward for working hard today. Both John and I were impressed with the layout for my article though. I was wondering how Teesha would put everything together and it really looks great.

1 comment:

martha brown said...

I can't wait to read the article, Susan! Congratulations!(I'm going to subscribe, but this issue is sold out -- they had a shipping problem)but I'll be able to read it, when I'm at ArtFest MEETING TEESHA. okay, sorry, I'm a bit excited.