Emma and Bryan got married on Saturday at my sister and brother-in-law’s cottage in Meaford, Ontario, and it was such a joyous day. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend Doctor Brian Goodings at 4 p.m. under a tent overlooking Georgian Bay. There were 150 people in attendance from age 6 months to 89 years old, and the violin selections were performed by my friend Andrea Currie Jefferson.
John gave Emma away, and David did a reading, which made everyone—including David—teary. It was a very romantic service, and I have to say that I’ve never seen two people happier about getting married than Emma and Bryan.
Afterwards there was a fantastic dinner (lots of comfort food like fried chicken, beef tenderloin and Emma’s favorite—mac and cheese, plus home-baked pies instead of the traditional wedding cake). Then there was lots of dancing—and more dancing—until 2 a.m. It was a splendid day and the perfect start for my dear Emma and her new husband Bryan.