Sunday, February 11, 2007

Creative Variety

Here are the ATCs I received Friday night from Sarah, Beverly, Ludgera and Daniza (top row); Mern (middle row), and Cori, Martha, Marissa, Susan V. and Cheryl (bottom row). I wish this photograph had turned out better, but at least it gives some idea of the variety expressed in a group of ten people—actually there were eleven including me. Not one person did anything remotely similar, and I think that’s so cool. Because I ran out of cards, I didn’t have one of mine to photograph. Maybe I’ll make one up and post it on Valentine’s Day.
Susan Wilkie and Debbie came over yesterday and we had a great time eating and gabbing and making ATCs. To be honest, I’d didn’t finish anything because I was just too tired to do anything but fiddle around. I always think I should be producing something tangible, so taking that break from feeling I should was really enjoyable.

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