Monday, March 12, 2007

My Blogging Assignment

Today I started work on an article about blogging for RubberStampMadness. Doing the research is always my favorite part of the writing process. I enjoy finding and collecting all sorts of interesting tidbits that never appear in a finished piece. This often useless and arcane information only confirms my belief (and experience) that life is large, sprawling, endlessly complicated and fascinating.
For instance, this morning I discovered Technorati, a website that tracks 57 million blogs. Naturally I was curious about whether or not they had statistics on mine. Well, they do. According to their tracking system, I’m number 1,247,517 on the Technorati pecking order. Isn’t that hilarious? I don’t know how many people read my blog, but I’m guessing not that that many. However, over 55 million blogs have less traffic than mine. Every time I think about this I just can’t help laughing.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog and it's number 1 with me. I don't care about the other 1,247,517.


Unknown said...

Technokrati - is that what you said? Must find out more about this - perhaps they have a picture of my father? And worse - me..:-)

Gustav, Norway

uncertainvoyage said...

Is this confirmation that we are all just a number? lol.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what an HTML tags that sad. I really do need to take a class...anyway HI!!!
Make sure you put in how to start a blog...I've tried several times and it's probably my own fault that I can't remember my password and being a designer you'd think I'd be able to figure this out but alas, I am blogless...I can't wait to read your article. PS I sent you a little artfest goodie...popped it in the mail today...gonna miss you there
