Monday, January 05, 2009


Sandy and I are both celebrating the start of 2009 today. When you have young children like Sandy does, it makes good sense to begin the New Year on the first day back to school after Christmas. But I can no longer use that reasoning myself since my children are adults, and have been for a while now. However, because I’ve been feeling apprehensive and anxious about 2009, I needed an excuse to put it off until I felt like it. (Thanks Sandy!)Normally I’m gung ho about making a fresh start, but I feel like I’m dragging a lot of unresolved issues into 2009 …things that should have been sorted out last year and weren’t. There’s no getting past it, though, I must apply myself—and pronto. Still, I can’t help regretting that January is such a serious month, especially when I’m in the mood for fun and games, not work.


Ronna said...

I know the feeling Susan. But once you get rolling, it ain't so bad!

Unknown said...

I almost missed this post! Best wishes that you eventually get to where you need to be this year! Hugs!..sand