Thursday, March 23, 2006

Multiple Personalities

For each meeting of Carmi’s Commandos – as John calls our art club – we have a dollar store challenge. This time we had to create something we love to fit into a jeweled paper holder…or completely alter it, if we wanted to. Because I am so busy right now, I decided to use Photoshop and play with a photo I’d taken of someone I love: in this case David.
My project morphed into the three faces of D. with one of his sand cast glass bricks and some shots John had taken of the hot shop at Sheridan. A glass furnace is called a “glory hole” and I think it’s hilarious that the exhaust is actually labeled.

I’ve been thinking in black and white lately because I have to take photocopies to Artfest for Claudine’s class next Thursday. My plan is to do a portrait of Emma with curly hair, so I’m going to take some pictures of her on Sunday. It might be fun to try a different approach, but again using Emma, when I take Anne Grgich’s workshop the following day.
Doing portraits has never particularly appealed to me because I don’t think my drawing skills are strong enough. But I do love working with pictures of people that I care about, and then adding images that mean something to them. It’s an intuitive process and an absorbing one.

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