Mixed Emulsions
After I finished reading (and pondering) Mixed Emulsions: Altered Art Techniques for Photographic Imagery by Angela Cartwright, I found myself wishing that I’d had this book years ago when I first started doing collage. There was a lot I sensed I could do with my work then but I wasn’t exactly sure what, so the value of a book like this is that it presents you with lots of inspiring options. This is a lot more than a how to book though; it’s an exercise in what if, and I’d recommend it to anyone who experiments with digital imagery like I do.
Jen Worden’s challenge for this month is to take a book like Cartwright’s and try working on every project/technique it includes. This is a tall order obviously, but Jen reminds us not to beat ourselves up if we don’t finish. Because I’m starting late, I’m keeping this advice firmly in mind.Dale has chosen to work on Mixed Emulsions too, and you can check out her blog for a list of the techniques involved. Whew …the idea of attempting to do this doing this is insane, but inspiring. Looks like I’m going to have friends with my inner tortoise, pronto!
Thanks for the link to my blog susan. Looking at this i realize i need to update my list of what i have and haven't finished on my blog. I think i've finished about 16 of the techniques now... quite the far cry from the 40 some i listed hahaha. Well the month's not over yet...
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