Monday, September 03, 2007

A Non Labour Day

David and his girlfriend came over yesterday for a visit and we had a great time. While Leigh and I hung around and got to know each other better – she’s studying art history at UCLA and is just lovely – David cooked a special dinner for us (although John informed me that he stirred the pasta a couple of times).
One of the advantages to having people over is that you have to put some effort into cleaning and tidying beforehand – that is if you don’t want your guests to think you’re a slob. Even though I know I’m housekeeping-challenged, I like to maintain the illusion that I’m not. So it was nice to wake up to a spic and span house this morning – one that I didn’t have to feel guilty about for a change.

Because I was feeling pleased with myself, I decided to do nothing today except figure out how to make my own brushes in Photoshop and watch TV. I’ve always been confused about Labour Day though. Are you supposed to take the day off, or are you supposed to work? I have a feeling that I should play hooky more often, but there’s a part of me that keeps saying: What if you like it so much you never want to work again?

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