Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our Club Meeting

Our project theme for last night’s meeting was What to Protect, and we had a little cabinet to alter. As usual everyone did something unique. It never fails to amaze me what my friends come up with. I found each and every piece inspiring.
What to Protect ran the gamut from the environmentally aware to the light-hearted. Marissa covered her cabinet with tin foil and then sheltered her Diet Coke, which I thought was hilarious.
When Carmi handed the cabinets out at our June meeting, my first thought was that I wanted to protect my vision—whatever that is—so I went with it. Because I hadn’t done any hands-on artwork over the summer (aside from my journal), I found this project very satisfying.
At the meeting, Carmi taught us to stamp on metal, then to etch and patina it. Our assignment for next time is to incorporate our finished piece into something else, and I’m keen to do this because I already have an idea. John told me this morning that he thinks it’s too labor-intensive. So what else is new? I live to complicate my life creatively—and in every other way too.
P.S. You can check out all our WTP club projects tomorrow on Carmi’s blog.

1 comment:

Godelieve said...

This seems to be a wonderful project!
Love the illustrations in your posts, gorgeous! Looks like I missed a lot here lately...