Sunday, November 05, 2006

Brian's Invention

Last night at the family birthdays, my brother in law Brian showed me his latest invention. It’s a walker (built of ABS piping with industrial castors) that he constructed after about 40 hours of experimenting with his idea.
For those of you who don’t know Brian, he was diagnosed with MS a year ago, and he loves to play volleyball. Another person might have decided to sit back and feel sorry for himself, but not Brian. He’s been playing volleyball every Monday night for years, and in June he hosts the Pond Scum Beach Volleyball Cup at his cottage up in Meaford. There was no way he was going to stop doing something he loved.
This volleywalker (Pam christened it The Tantalus because it reminds her of a spider) allows Brian to move around on the court and play without losing his balance. Brian goes for five hours of physical therapy every week, and his physiotherapist – a volleyball player herself – says it works much better than anything else she’s seen. She and Brian actually play together each week.
We don’t ask for bad things to happen to us, so it’s really inspiring when someone like Brian meets the challenge head on and ends up with an invention that will help other people too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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