Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Day in the Life

Today started out serenely enough, but degenerated into frustration when I decided to rewrite my lead for an article I was sending off. It took me two hours to rework three sentences. Two hours! The problem is that when you change one word in a sentence you’re forced to change everything else. But enough about writing. Thankfully I don’t find I obsess about it when I’m doing this blog.
I managed to get together six rubber stamp designs together to send off to Teesha Moore’s Art & Life zine this afternoon. Hopefully one of them will be good enough to make it to the zine’s next sheet of rubber. I’ve always fantacized about having my own line of stamps. But when you actually sit down to do it, it’s hard to be consistent design-wise. I don’t know how Teesha and Tracy manage with with Zettiology .
Tonight I got lost in Photoshop. First I formatted and sent off the star map I’d promised Beverly Dalton, and then I decided to play around with a picture of myself from the 70s. Nothing I did seemed to click.
But then I remembered . John has me hooked on watching their old music videos. We watched our favorite – Why Go by Faithless – a couple of times, and then I just had to come upstairs to my own computer, and start looking at Dave Clarke Five videos again. Of course John caught me in the act.
“Are you laughing at me?” I said.
“I’m laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside,” he replied.
What can I say? I saw the Dave Clark Five back in the 60s at Maple Leaf Gardens, and they were FAB. (Fab is definitely a DC5 word).
My, I’ve really gotten off track here. What I intended to write about tonight was France. On Friday night at our art group, Shoshanna showed us this fabulous book of Larousse engravings that she’d bought at a flea market when she was in Paris with Carmi. Well, I don’t know about everyone else, but Cherri and I just freaked! It started me thinking about the time we went to Nice in the early 90s. We stayed in Queen Victoria’s former summer home. The suite we shared with our extended family was actually the ballroom that had been renovated into a two-story apartment. Apparently Henri Matisse lived there too, although not at the same time obviously. Anyway, I dug out this picture I’d taken in the lobby and played with it in Photoshop. The plan was to start adding things to the image, but I think I like it just the way it is.

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