Monday, December 18, 2006

Pre-Christmas Clean Up

No, it’s not done, but at least I’ve made a start, and I’m discovering that it’s partly satisfying, partly humbling. I really hate coming face to face with my deeply slobistic tendencies. Actually, they’re more than tendencies; they’re a deeply ingrained constellation of habits. (I needed an excuse to use the word constellation here!) Fortunately, there were two highpoints to this otherwise grueling weekend.
The first was going to Pam and Brian’s Christmas party. I don’t know Pam does it. She had a big party on Friday night, another one on Saturday and at the end of the week she’s holding a soirée for 100 neighbors. She sails serenely through it all, handling any problems that come up effortlessly and just generally doing a top-notch job. (Did I mention that she’s having the family Christmas this year too? All I can say is: Alleluia! )
We had Christmas at our place last year and I was a nervous wreck for at least two weeks beforehand. The food thing usually goes well for me, but I always worry that people won’t be comfortable, that I’ll use the wrong china or the place won’t be clean enough. Frankly, I’ve never been very good at entertaining—not that anyone has ever complained—but I hate all the preparation. When I asked Pam yesterday what her secret was, she told me that she just does it, but I’m convinced there’s more to it than that! Innate talent? The entertainment gene?
The other high point was having a long talk with Emma on Sunday afternoon. Five more days and she’s home. I can’t wait!

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