Sunday, December 02, 2007

ATC Quarterly

When I have deadlines looming, which is pretty much most of the time, I tend to let my mail pile up. This afternoon I decided to work through it and try not to feel too guilty about being such a slack off. (For some reason, feeling guilty makes me less effective when it comes to taking care of things).
Sometime this week ATC Quarterly must have arrived, so I immediately took a long break to enjoy all the art. Really, I can’t get over how much talent there is around—and how diverse it is. There’s something about the ATC format that really encourages people to explore their own creativity. And one of the reasons I like this journal so much is that because of the many different kinds of art featured, I’m inspired to get busy creating my own stuff before I’ve finished reading it!

1 comment:

Ronna said...

Happy you liked the latest issue of ATC Quarterly, Susan. Is always fun to find knew images/artists!