Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Week of ATCs

So far I’ve kept at least one of my resolutions for 2007—to do a digital ATC every day for the month of January. I’m enjoying this so much it occurred to me tonight that it might be cool to do one for every day of the year (which I’m sure I won’t).
Cori mentioned in her Friday blog that she’d received Bernie Berlin’s Artist Trading Card Workshop as a gift. I got very excited and had to order it immediately. I can’t believe the feeling of complete emergency that rushes to the surface whenever I discover a book that I think might interest me. Like my sister Pam, I’ve had book lust since childhood and it shows no sign of letting up.

Later I started thinking about Bernie Berlin and I was sure I’d read something about her in RubberStampMadness. I went on a hunt through my back issues and found an article on Bernie and her ATCs in November/December 2004.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, got to add this to my top ten faves.
